Original article posted on January 26th by Cailloux

In the spiritual and psychological sense, the meaning of relationships is to get to know each other and to bring out parts of ourselves (Mirror Law), .through the comparison with the other , in order to become aware about it.

Whatever relational situation, including the one we regard as negative, because it is source of frustration or pain, expresses the right experience for everyone, as each one attracts to themselves what they need.

Hence, the other serves as teacher, in order to get to awareness, necessary for one’s own evolution.

It is of fundamental importance, in order to develop a objective vision of your individuality, to gain the propensity to the neutral, careful and continuous observation of yourself

It is always good to become aware of your thoughts, your feelings, your emotions and actions in order to highlight possible contradictions, conflicts and inconsistencies between what you think, what you feel, what you say and what you do.

A balanced approach, dominated by the issue of harmony, makes good relationships.

For this purpose, there are several ingredients.

Among these, the following considerations:

  • Overcome the excessive individualism and identification with your own role and your own roles (ego-centred vision). This approach is the result of the idea of separation between the “self” and “you” and the result of ego’s ambition to achieve roles of prestige and privilege, according to status symbol. The self feels threatened by the other, and every action by the other is frequently seen as an invasion within his own territory.

  • Prevent the hierarchy of roles (rigid positions and power struggles), but pursue the respect and acceptance of role’s differences in terms of confrontation and dialogue.

  • Express empathy, acceptance, honesty and loyalty.

  • Converse with the other through an assertive communication (put our interlocutor on the same level).

Translation by Carlotta Cimatti