Original article posted on January 26th by Cailloux

  • Show up with a sense of responsibility and take potential risk (courage to get involved beyond one’s own vulnerability and fear).

  • Be proactive to overcome the crises (meeting the needs of the other, without giving up on yourself and what your conscience says).

  • Express your own motivations (the reason behind a specific behaviour), your own intentions, your own needs through dialogue.

  • Put the other at ease, to ensure that they can freely say what they think and the way they feel (free from judgment, but with acceptance).

  • Always be yourself without masks and calculated strategies.

  • Don’t let your own fear and anxiety handle your life. Fear and anxiety lead to wrong behaviour and wrong decisions (poor lucidity and lack of balance).

  • Don’t feed anger with grudge, resentment, hatred and projection of your own grey areas and your own life experience on the other.

  • Feed and nourish the relationship, never taking anything for granted.

  • Say three key words (Pope Francis): can I?, thank you, I’m sorry.

Translation by Carlotta Cimatti